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Show results

2018 Championship Show - Judged by Lynda Havard (Annavah)

Best In Show
Ch & VDH Ch Dialynne Peter Piper WW17

Reserve Best In Show & Best Opposite Sex
Davricard Honeybee

Best Puppy In Show
Serenaker Maid In America

Best Veteran In Show

Rundle Kokanee

c) BIS_98, RBIS_22, BOS_22, BPIS_83, BVI

           BIS                                           RBIS & BOS                                           BPIS                                                      BVIS            

a) DCC_98, RDCC_72, BPD_21.png

     DCC                                                      RDCC                                            BPD

b) BCC_22, RBCC_83, BPB_83.png

      BCC                                                      RBCC & BPB

Dog Classes


Dog CC
Ch & VDH Ch Dialynne Peter Piper WW17

Reserve Dog CC
Janfrey Bosley

Best Puppy Dog
Davricard Harlequin



​Minor Puppy Dog  (10, 3) 

1st:    Newlin Perth at Molesend

2nd:  Divinebrae Coming Soon at Dapperdawg

3rd:   Newlin Preston to Clairdale
Res:  Shercroft Hector

VHC: Poppyville First Edition


Puppy Dog  (5, 2) 

1st:    Davricard Harlequin *BPD*
2nd:  Divinebrae Coming Soon at Dapperdawg

3rd:   Poppyville First Edition



Junior Dog  (0) 




Novice Dog  (5) 

1st:    Newlin Perth at Molesend

2nd:  Divinebrae Coming Soon at Dapperdawg
3rd:   Newlin Preston to Clairdale

Res:  Shercroft Hector

VHC: Poppyville First Edition

​Graduate Dog  (0) 


​​Post Graduate Dog  (5, 2)

1st:    Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft
2nd:  Rundle Pursuit

3rd:   Rosroden Debonair



​​​Mid Limit Dog  (3) 

1st:    Janfrey Bosley *RDCC*

2nd:  Bellvalley Teen Spirit

3rd:   Bondlea Layman


​​​Limit Dog  (6, 3) 

1st:    Shercroft Apollo JW ShCM

2nd:  Serenaker Hot As ‘Ell

3rd:   Bondlea Layman


​​Open Dog  (3, 1) 

1st:    Ch & VDH Ch Dialynne Peter Piper WW17


2nd:  Ch Janfrey Randal Upon Rundle JW ShCM

​​​Veteran Dog  (0) 



1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


Bitch CC
Davricard Honeybee

Reserve Bitch CC
Serenaker Maid In America

Best Puppy Bitch
Serenaker Maid In America

Best Veteran Bitch

Rundle Kokanee

Minor Puppy Bitch  (10, 4) 

1st:    Serenaker Maid In America *BPB, RBCC, BPIS*

2nd:  Poppyville First Dance

3rd:   Bondlea Lucy
Res:  Shercroft Heckle von Dapperdawg

VHC: Broadshore Equinox

Puppy Bitch  (10, 4) 

1st:    Chequer’s Countess Mary Mit Julemark (IMP DEU)
2nd:  Poppyville First Dance

3rd:   Bellvalley Delmelza
Res:  Shercroft Heckle von Dapperdawg

VHC: Mailcom Sahara

​Junior Bitch  (9, 2) 

1st:    Dialynne Anna Complice

2nd:  Molesend Secret JW

3rd:   Eardley Shirley Knott Avec Vencharno

Res:  Star Sapphire of Jalhar

VHC: Wyvisview Bliss

Novice Bitch  (10, 3) 

1st:    Poppyville First Dance

2nd:  Bondlea Lucy

3rd:   Mailcom Sahara

Res:  Broadshore Equinox

VHC: Star Sapphire of Jalhar


Graduate Bitch  (3, 1) 

1st:    Blitzlilie Winter Is Coming
2nd:  Rundle Going For Gold



​​​Post Graduate Bitch  (13, 6)

1st:    Dufosee Yoanne
2nd:  Madika Spot On JW

3rd:   Awreridge Watercolour JW

Res:  Rosroden Cherry Kisses

VHC: Rundle Eclipse

Mid Limit Bitch  (9, 5) 

1st:    Davricard Honeybee *BCC, RBIS, BOS*

2nd:  Serenaker Elle’s Belles

3rd:   Tregoniggie Colour of Magic at Morsefield


Res:  Redcap Bella Sorella

​​Limit Bitch  (10, 6) 

1st:    Davricard Scilla

2nd:  Felinoak Bailey’s 'n' Ice

3rd:   Wyvisview Harlequin

Res:  Charmagic Viennese Waltz

Open Bitch  (9, 3) 

1st:    Dialynne Just Ella

2nd:  Davricard Musetta

3rd:   Janfrey Sapphire

Res:  Ir Ch Serenaker Daydream

VHC: Molesend Rumour

Veteran Bitch  (5, 4) 

1st:    Rundle Kokanee *BVB, BVIS*




1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd


1st                                            2nd



Bitch Classes
Junior Handling

Junior Handling - Judged by Charlotte Dalgarno (Vencharno)

d) Junior Handling 1) Kyra 27 2) Ellise

1st: Kyra Harrison           

              2nd: Ellise Hazard


Judge's Critique

Firstly I would like to thank all of the exhibitors that managed to make the show due to the extreme weather and struggling through the snow and fully understand a number of exhibitors who didn't make it, this sadly but understandably contributed to the absentee numbers.

Secondly I thank all the Committee members for the invitation and also a huge thank you to my Steward Lynn Bailey, she did a grand job and kept me on my toes! (Especially as i was feeling unwell).


Finally, I had a small entry but happy to say a lot of quality and thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me the honour of assessing their lovely hounds.


MPD (10,3) 1. Goldberg's Newlin Perth at Molesend, mature for his age shows with great confidence. Masculine head but not over done, with good pigmentation and a kind dark eye. Good reach of neck into well laid back shoulders. Good depth of fore chest, excellent rounded bone with neat tight feet. Excellent, well muscled thigh, good set on of tail, moved with ease. 2. Hill's Divinebrae Coming Soon at Dapperdawg, smart tan/white, strong masculine head, with a dark eye, well placed leathers. Lovely reach of neck leading into good lay back of shoulder. Excellent bone with neat feet. Good depth of chest and turn of stifle. Moved well when he settled down. 3. Jones's Newlin Preston to Clairdale.

PD (5, 2) 1. Craig's Davricard Harlequin, a very smart hound shown in excellent condition. Lovely head with a kind soft expression and dark eye. Good depth of muzzle and good set on leathers. Good round bone with neat feet. Level topline which is held on the move. Good turn of upper arm. Good set on of tail. Moved with drive around the ring a true little showman. BPD. 2. Hill's Divinebrae Coming Soon at Dapperdawg. 3. Stoddard's Poppyville First Edition.

ND (5) 1. Goldberg's Newlin Perth at Molesend. 2. Hill's Divinebrae Coming Soon at Dapperdawg. 3. Jones's Newlin Preston to Clairdale.

PGD (5, 2) 1. Hunt's & Norris's Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft, well balanced beagle with a masculine head and kind expression, dark eye, well placed and good length of leathers, good reach of neck leading into a level topline. Strong muscular rear quarters and good turn of stifle. Sound mover. 2. Dawson's & Goodall's Rundle Pursuit, lovely soft head with a kind expression and dark eye. Well placed leathers of good length. Good reach of neck, flowing into well laid back shoulders. Good round bone, well sprung ribs, good inner thigh. Lost out to 1 on movement not settling down. 3. Leader's Rosrodens Debonair.


MLD (3) 1. May's Janfrey Bosley, what a quality star this young man is, I love that he free stands he is such a picture. Masculine head with a lovely soft expression, dark eye and pigmentation. Nice reach of neck into clean laid back shoulders, good forechest, excellent bone with tight feet, firm elbows and straight level topline. Excellent muscular rear quarters and hocks well let down. Moved around the ring with ease. Shame to meet the DCC winner, well deserving of the RCC. I am sure he will get top honors in due course. 2. Evan's & Millward's Bellvalley Teen Spirit, shame to meet 1 in perfect condition, another hound i am sure who will gain top honours. Masculine head without being course with a kind expression, lovely reach of neck, level topline which is held on the move. Ample bone and tight feet. Moved true both ways and showed reach and drive. 3. McBain's Bondlea Layman.


LD (6, 3) 1. Hunt's & Norris Shercroft Apollo, A dog of nice quality and breed type. Good head with a pleasing expression, good pigmention, excellent reach of neck into well laid shoulders, good round bone, deep chest with good spring of ribs Muscular rear quarters which he used to propel himself around the ring with ease. 2. Parker's & Stevens Serenaker Hot As 'Ell, lovely balanced shape and outline. Strong head with a lovely mild appealing expression, well arched long muscular neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest, firm level topline, strong muscular rear quarters. Lost out to 1 today as i felt he was not so settled. 3. McBain's Bondlea Layman.


OD (3, 1) 1. Spavin's Ch. & VDH Ch. Dialynne Peter Piper WW17, this beagle is a true quality stallion hound with a great ring presence, you cannot help but notice him. A lovely strong masculine head with the most melting expression, dark eye, well placed leathers. Lovely arched reach of neck, flowing into excellent topline, with short strong couplings, well balanced throughout, strong front and good fore chest, well sprung ribs, excellent bone with cat like feet, well angulated quarters and well let down hocks. Moves effortlessly around the ring. Shown in excellent tip top condition which you would expect from this famous kennel. Expertly handled and well deserving of CC & BIS. 2. Dawson's & Goodall's Ch. Janfrey Randal Upon Rundle, another worthy champion, shame to meet 1 at the top of his game. Good head and expression with a dark kind eye. Long neck into well constructed front assembly with good depth of chest, well balanced throughout. Excellent topline with strong couplings and correct set on of tail, well angulated quarters, moved with reach and drive.



MPB (10, 4) 1. Parker's & Stevens Serenaker Maid in America, this girl just stands out, full of quality throughout. Ultra feminine head with the kindest of expression and dark eye. Good width of skull, depth of muzzle, well set on leathers with good length. Good round bone and neat feet. Short coupled, level topline, good inner thigh and turn of stifle. Moved true fore and aft. One i would have loved to have taken home, pleased to give her the RCC and at her very first show. I am sure she has a very bright future. RCC & BPIS. 2. Stoddard's Poppyville First Dance, very immature compared to 1, but should mature nicely. Sweet feminine head with dark eye and good pigmentation. Good depth of chest, enough bone with tight feet. Good front and short coupled. Handled with kind soft hands. I am sure with more shows she will gain more confidence. 3. Hunt's Bondlea Lucy.


PB (10, 4) 1. Henningsson-Dundas Chequer's Countess Mary Mit Julemark (Imp Deu), t/w bitch puppy, feminine head with kind expression and dark eye. Lovely reach of neck into well placed shoulders, well let down forechest to elbows, well sprung ribs, good rear quarters with nice turn of stifle. Level topline with well set on tail. Such a merry little hound with easy free flowing movement covering the ground. 2. Stoddard's Poppyville First Dance. 3. Evans's Bellvalley Delmeza.


JB (9, 2) 1. Spavin's Dialynne Anna Complice, pretty bitch with a feminine head, kind expression and beautiful dark eye. Good reach of neck flowing into well laid back shoulder, straight forelegs, good depth of ribcage which is well sprung. Firm topline, short coupled, good muscular quarters with good bend of stifle. Moved with reach and drive. 2. Goldberg's Molesend Secret JW another bitch I liked a lot, lovely head and expression, long low set leathers, well boned, good length of neck, compact outline, moved soundly. Just preferred the overall picture of 1. 3. Dalgarno's Eardley Shirley Knott Avec Vencharno.


NB (10, 3) 1. Stoddard's Poppyville First Dance. 2. Hunt's Bondlea Lucy, well proportioned head with a pleasing expression, slightly finer in mould than 1, clean reach of neck leading into a level topline which was held on the move. Good turn of stifle and good inner thigh. Moved well, but can play up her handler at times in the lineup being fidgety. 3. Hazard's Mailcom Sahara.


GB (3, 1) 1. McBain's Blitzlilie Winter is Coming, slightly on the big side for me but an honest bitch. Good length of neck, leading into well lay back of shoulder, good depth of chest with well sprung ribs, excellent bone moved well. 2. Dawson's, Goodall's & Harrison's Rundle Going for Gold, has a slightly narrow head would like more width, dark eye, good reach of neck, slightly narrow in the front assembly, good depth of chest, slightly longer in loin than 1, good turn of stifle, well set on tail. Just preferred the overall balance of 1.


PGB (14, 6) 1. Evan's Dufosee Yoanne, broken tri of a smaller mould, good width of head, with appealing expression, well placed leathers with good length, good reach of neck, well let down forechest, well sprung ribs, ample boned, short couplings, moved well. Could of done with a bit more weight on her thought she looked a bit shelley. 2. Arden's Madika Spot On JW AW(B), open marked tri, clean well balanced outline, has a very pleasing feminine head and expression, good round bone with tight feet, well let down chest, longer in coupling than 1, good inner thigh, moved well. 3. Warner's Awreridge Watercolour.


MLB (9, 5) 1. Craig's Davricard Honeybee, a beautiful l/w bitch, you have to get your hands on her to appreciate her real qualities. Beautiful head, kind expression, with dark eye and pigmentation. Clean balanced outline, a straight front, good depth of chest, short coupling with well sprung ribs, good round bone with compact feet, good inner thigh and turn of stifle. Shown in tip top condition and pleased to award her second CC, BOS & RBIS. 2. Parker's & Steven's Serenaker Elle's Belles, compact bitch with a feminine head, soft expression and good width of skull and lovely long leathers. Level topline, good set on of tail, good reach of neck leading into well laid back of shoulder, lovely bone, good turn of stifle, well let down hocks and moved with drive. A lot to like about her. 3. Caple's Tregoniggie Colour of Magic at Morsefield JW ShCM.


LB (10) 1. Craig's Davricard Scilla, another well schooled bitch from this kennel, a good head with a pleasing expression, well set leathers, dark eyes and pigmentation. Balanced throughout in body Good turn of upper arm, with a good depth of chest, well sprung ribs and good muscle tone. Moved with purpose. 2. Tanner's Felinoak Bailey's 'N' Ice, another quality bitch, a lovely breed example, slightly longer in cast that 1, pretty head with a soft expression, good ear set, long arched neck, correct lay of shoulder with a good length and set of upper arm, good bone and feet, well ribbed and a strong toppling, well angled quarters, moves with ease. Just preferred the front movement of 1. 3. Fraser's Wyvisview Harlequin.


OB (9, 3) 1. Spavin's Dialynne Just Ella, another top quality hound from this kennel, one i have admired from the ring side. She just stood out in this class of quality bitches. Lovely head, eye and softest of expressions, clean body lines, deep chest, good top and underline, good turn of stifle and inner thigh, well let down hocks, sound and free in movement. Shown in tip top condition. 2. Craig's Davricard Musetta, another top quality bitch from this kennel, they just keep coming. Beautifully headed broken tri, well balanced in outline, good angulation in both fore and hindquarters, legs well under her, well developed body, firm level topline, good reach in front and strong hind movement. Unfortunate to meet 1 at the top of her A game. Im sure it will only be a matter of time before she gains her title. 3. May's Janfrey Sapphire.


VB (5, 4) 1. Dawson's & Goodall's Rundle Kokanee, 10 year old tri bitch, what a star for her age. Lovely head with the kindest of expression and dark eye. Well placed leathers with a good length, good depth of chest, level topline, good inner thigh, good tail set and moved merrily around the ring. BVIS.

Lynda Havard

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