Welcome to the website of the Four Counties Beagle Club!
We aim to foster the interests of the breed in the area formerly known as the Four Counties of Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland and Westmorland. The boundaries of the club changed, Cumbria now claiming most of the West, while Northumbria hasn't quite replaced Northumberland and Durham.
The club hold two shows a year, an Open show in March and a Championship show in September, the latter being held on the same weekend as Darlington Championship Show to enable exhibitors to attend both shows. Over the years the club has held shows in various venues from the Borders to Carnforth via Ripon, but now seem settled in Durham.
This website is an attempt to keep up with the time and try to reach a wider audience, we as members spend quite a lot of our time on the phone talking beagles, and I'm sure much of the basics could be accessed on this site much quicker. Please feel free to Contact Us with any comments or suggestions.
*** For our latest News, please visit the Club Announcements page ***