2006 Championship Show - Judged by Hazel Allen (Enchace)
Best Opposite Sex & Reserve Best In Show
Ch Newlin Osprey JW
Best Puppy In Show
Newlin Sailor
Best Veteran In Show
Ch Lowyck Mystique
Best In Show
Nedlaw Barbarian
Dog CC
Nedlaw Barbarian
Reserve Dog CC
Bondlea Bradman JW
Best Puppy Dog
Newlin Sailor
Best Veteran Dog
Ch Madika Nutcase
Veteran Dog (4, 2)
1st: Ch Madika Nutcase *BVD*
2nd: Deer Hunterhound
Minor Puppy Dog (5, 2)
1st: Newlin Sailor *BPD, BPIS*
2nd: Fallowfield Fusion
3rd: Chaostheory Live Forever
Puppy Dog (1)
1st: Lyndex Explorer
Junior Dog (7)
1st: Rossmaith Renoir
2nd: Rhiconich Horus
3rd: Fallowfield Damion
Res: Charterwood Engineer
VHC: Almarda Merlot
Maiden Dog (3)
1st: Newlin Sailor
2nd: Fallowfield Fusion
3rd: Chaostheory Live Forever
Novice Dog (1)
1st: Fallowfield Duce
Post Graduate Dog (10, 1)
1st: Bondlea Bradman JW *RDCC*
2nd: Molesend Dolerite Over Barughgreen
3rd: Balderstone Burberry
Res: Dialynne Armani With Balderstone
VHC: Simelka Ballute Boy
Limit Dog (9)
1st: Nedlaw Barbarian *DCC, BIS*
2nd: Mingus Keyboard at Shercroft
3rd: Charterwood Famous
Res: Raimex Theo
VHC: Annavah Taurus
Open Dog (11, 3)
1st: Ch Nedlaw Salamander
2nd: Ch Bedeway Artful JW
3rd: Valsacre Huckleberry With Awreridge JW
Res: Macall Highlander at Bruadair Sh. CM
VHC: Newlin Kingsley By Cliffmere
Special Beginners Dog (4)
1st: Balderstone Burberry
2nd: Almarda Merlot
3rd: Bruadair Buadhmhor
Res: Fallowfield Duce
Bitch CC
Ch Newlin Osprey JW
Reserve Bitch CC
Cliffmere Amiable
Best Puppy Bitch
Cliffmere Flourish
Best Veteran Bitch
Ch Lowyck Mystique
Veteran Bitch (6, 2)
1st: Ch Lowyck Mystique *BVB, BVIS*
2nd: Ch & Ir Ch Gempeni Wildflower
3rd: Newlin Almond at Madika
Res: Angelica Blissfull Barbour
Minor Puppy Bitch (13, 2)
1st: Cliffmere Flourish *BPB*
2nd: Annavah Isabella
3rd: Cliffmere Fairmaid
Res: Davricard Roulette
VHC: Charterwood Honeyflower
Puppy Bitch (10, 1)
1st: Davricard Diamond
2nd: Lyndex Seabiscuit
3rd: Macall High Fidelity
Res: Tannahill Apricot
VHC: Annavah Liberty
Junior Bitch (10)
1st: Misken Querida
2nd: Newlin Rachel
3rd: Fallowfield Devine
Res: Norcis Modern Millie
VHC: Raimex Daunsey
Maiden Bitch (7, 2)
1st: Macall Fowl Play
2nd: Macall New Sensation
3rd: Geclanjo Hot Gossip
Res: Butterow Joyful
VHC: Africdawns Love
Novice Bitch (7, 1)
1st: Newlin Russet
2nd: Macall Fowl Play
3rd: Macall New Sensation
Res: Byleeton Imogen
VHC: Africdawns Love
Post Graduate Bitch (22, 5)
1st: Kybo Tina With Chaostheory
2nd: Rhiconich Cleopatra
3rd: Nictoney Solitaire By Janlees
Res: Gempeni Snowdrop
VHC: Nedlaw Birdsong
Limit Bitch (15)
1st: Cliffmere Amiable *RBCC*
2nd: Kyledam Azalea Buttercup JW
3rd: Sabinhay Fantasy
Res: Orchidvale Angelica Of Breskar
VHC: Janlees Tamarisk
Open Bitch (4)
1st: Ch Newlin Osprey JW *BCC, BOS, RBIS*
2nd: Ch Seevad High Fashion Sh. CM
3rd: Kyledam Abelia Betony JW Sh. CM
Res: Valsacre Troika To Awreridge JW
VHC: Lyndex Bewitched JW
Special Beginners Bitch (7)
1st: Kybo Tina With Chaostheory
2nd: Misken Querida
3rd: Newlin Nectarine At Geclanjo
Res: Africdawns Love
VHC: Sabinhay Fairmaid
Judge's Critique​
I should like to thank the Committee of Four Counties Beagle Club for their invitation to judge at their Championship Show on March 19th & their hospitality. I was pleased with my entry for my first Ch appointment & the sporting way the exhibitors accepted my placings.
The hounds were presented in gd clean condition. I was looking for gd front reach with thrust & drive from the rear, also a typical mild Beagle expression. I was disappointed that a number of hounds lost out on placement by a swinging action of their front feet. Overall the quality was high & many could change places another day. Some lovely hounds had to go cardless.
VD (4). 1 Ardens Ch Madika Notcase. 8 yr tri with masculine head & dark eye. Excellent bone, tight well padded feet. Gd rib cage with firm topline, strong muscular thighs giving should movement; 2 Ambridge’s Deer Hunter Hound. 101/2 yrs tri. Preferred his softer eye expression. Still retains his firm muscle tone & substance. Free stands with proud stance giving a gd outline & body shape. Moved & showed well. Not showing his age.
MPD (5). 1 Calikes & Bradley’s Newlin Sailor. 7 mnth t/w. Pleasing head construction & pigmentation with dark eye, giving soft expression. Nicely placed leathers, well shaped muzzle & flews. Gd neck, going into well constructed shoulders & upper arm. Balanced body with gd substance. Rib cage extending well back. Muscular hindquarters with low hocks. Excelled in movement with drive & reach. BPIS; 2 MacDonalds Fallowfield Fushion. 61/2 mnth tri. Nice head & expression. Neck going smoothly into withers. Shade longer cast than 1. At the moment standing a little rear high, preferred movement of 1; 3 Hariison’s Chaostheory Live Forever.
PD 1 Player’s Lyndex Explorer. 11 mnth blk tri. Stood alone but has the quality to deserve his place. Gd head with expressive eye. Gd set of leathers. Nice reach of neck going into well constructed forehand with legs well under body, slightly longer cast but with firm level topline. For his age nicely muscled rear quarters with rounded stifles. Gd movement coming & going.
JD (7). 1 Anderson’s Rossmaith Renoir. Tri, gd head qualities with mild expressive eye. Nice reach of neck into gd shoulder & front assembly. Rounded ribcage extending well back. Muscular hindquarters giving free, smooth, supple movement; 2 Findlay’s Rhiconich Horus. Well defined head but just preferred expression of 1. Gd balance to body with level top line & clean underline. Gd front & rear angulation; 3 Lewis’s Fallowfield Damion.
MD (3). 1 Calikes & Bradley’s N Sailor; 2 MacDonalds F Fushion; 3 Hariisons C L Forever.
ND 1 MacDonalds Fallowfield Duce. T/w, nice head with mild appealing expression. Would prefer a slight more angle to front assembly. Topline level when moved but handler needs to watch topline when stacking.
PGD (10). 1 Hunts Bondlea Bradman JW. T/w, predominantly white. Holds a v alert expression. Gd planes to head construction with width to muzzle. Strong elegant neck going into gd laid back shoulders. Deep rounded rib cage extending back. Clean underline, well angled quarters giving gd outline with front legs well under body. Muscular thighs with strong second thigh, giving gd driving action, RCC; 2 Walkers Molesend Dolerite Over Barughgreen. Tri, has a proud head stance with gd expression. Strong neck into balanced body. Straight front legs & strong muscular thighs giving steady sound movement; 3 Ramshaws Balderstone Burberry.
LD (9). 1 Waldens Nedlaw Barbarian. Tri, shown in gleaming condition. Has the kindest of heads with melting expression. Strong neck going smoothly into withers with excellent fore quarters, with gd lay back of shoulder & nice length of upper arm. Gd balance & proportions to body. Well muscled hindquarters & deep second thigh giving true movement with drive & reach. CC & BIS; 2 Hunt & Norris’s Mingus Keyboard At Shercroft. Strong masculine head but not coarse, well off for bone & substance, with rounded rib cage. Extending back, gd front & rear assembly which enabled him to drive round the ring with reach & thrusting drive; 3 Phillpots Charterwood Famous.
OD (11). 1 Walden’s Ch Nedlaw Salamander. T/w classic head shape with soft appealing expression. Gd occiput, crest & set on of leathers. Excellent front assembly with gd lay back of shoulder & length of upper arm allowing front legs to be well under body. Rounded rib cage extending back. Well shaped & muscled hindquarters & second thigh. Short hocks giving gd parallel movement, with drive & reach; 2 Conway’s Ch Bedeway Artful JW. Predominance of white. Dark eye & pigment, wide nostrils giving a pleasing head. Well arched neck going into excellent forequarters. Ribbed well back with firm topline, kept steady on the move. Free striding movement with real drive from his well made hindquarters; 3 Hargraves & Warner’s Valseacre Huckleberry With Awreridge JW.
SBD (4). 1 Ramshaw’s Balderstone Burberry. Blk tri, placed in PG, in a strong class. Gd head & eye, wide nostrils with dark pigmentation. Would like a shade longer neck, gd body shape with strong topline & gd rib cage, low hocks giving positive driving action.; 2 Ravindrans Almarda Merlot. Blk tri. Nice muzzle & flews with well shaped head with pleasing expression, slightly longer in body than 1. Gd bone & substance. Firm level top line with correct stern carriage, kept steady on the move; 3 Linden’s Bruadair Buadhmor.
VB (6). 1 Lomax’s Ch Lowyck Mystique. T/w, 8 yrs. Has not lost any of her many qualities. Shown in excellent condition. Considered for further honours in the challenge. Nice constructed head with dark eye & well placed supple leathers. Elegant neck going into well angulated forequarters. Gd clean balanced outline. Well shaped stifles & second thigh. Moved soundly, showing gd extension in profile movement; 2 Dean’s Ch & Ir Ch Gempini Wild Flower. Br. tri, 8 yrs. Well presented & handled. Nice feminine head with dark eye. Gd neck going into well balanced body, nicely made hindquarters, still retaining muscle tone, giving gd movement round the ring; 3 Arden’s Newlin Almond at Madkia.
MPB (13). 1 Halls Cliffmeze Flourish. 61/2 mnth tri at her first show & enjoying every minute in the ring. When this young lady puts her energy into showing instead of playing should challenge the best. I did not penalise, as it was exuberance not fear. She gave a few yards to assess & I was impressed with her far-reaching extension & rear drive. Has a pretty feminine head with crest developing. Lovely ear placement. Gd balanced shape & substance. Correct tail set & rear angulation. BPB, I will watch her progress with interest; 2 Havard’s Annavah Isabella. 7 mnth tri. Lovely feminine head with well placed long, soft textured ears, hanging close to cheeks. Gd occiput into clean reachy neck. Round bone to front legs, nice body shape with gd topline & stern set. Rounded stifles with low hocks. Moved well; 3 Hall’s Cliffmeze Fairmaid.
PB (10). 1 Craigs Davricard Diamond. 7 mnth tri. Nice breed type with appealing feminine head & expression. Gd occiput into correct neck & shoulder. Nicely made forequarters with sternum, front legs, underbody. Well balanced body shape with level topline. Thick stern with gd carriage. Nice angulation to hindquarters giving pleasing picture when moving; 2 Player’s Lyndex Sea Biscuit. 17 mnth tri. Another v nice p of gd breed type. Balanced, feminine head with gd flews & long supple leathers. Nice neck going into well constructed front assembly, giving gd forechest. A shade finer bone than 1. Deep chest with rounded rib cage well let down, gd underline, long developed thighs, giving gd smooth movement; 3 Pecklington Hall’s Macall High Fidelity.
JB (10). 1 Clacher’s Misken Querida. T/w, attractive feminine head with nicely arched neck with crest. Sound front assembly, giving gd angles & sternum. Nice bone & substance. Well developed hindquarters, giving her a ground covering gait with drive which won her the class; 2 Calikes & Bradley’s Newlin Racheal. T/w. Pleasing feminine head, construction with appealing expression. Elegant neck into well balanced body. Thick well carried stern. Gd angulated hindquarters with deep thighs & parallel hocks. Free movement in profile.
MB (7). 1 Pocklington Hall’s Macall Foul Play. Tri. Pleasing head with gd pigmentation & dark eye. Nice front angulation, with gd bone, topline & underline, giving nice profile, well developed hindquarters, giving smooth parallel movement; 2 Pocklington Hall’s Macall New Sensation. Tri, similar to her litter sister. Feminine head & expression with low set leathers. Shorter coupled, front & rear quarters with gd muscle tone & rounded stifles, giving similar parallel action; 3 Clark’s Geclango Hot Gossip.
NB (7). 1 Calikes & Bradley’s Newlin Russet. T/w. V feminine with soft expression. Correct set on of leathers with gd neck & crest. Front angulation with gd layback & upper arm. Nice body shape with gd underline & sound rear construction. Developed rounded stifles giving excellent movement with reach & drive which won her the class; 2 Pocklington Hall’s M F Play; 3 Pocklings Hall’s M N Sensation.
PGB (24). 1 Hariison & Oxley’s Kybo Tina With Chaostheory. Not a flashy b but v sound which made her the winner of this strong class. Nice head construction with dark wide nose & nostrils. Gd ear set with nice neck going into well angulated front with gd forechest with straight front legs under body. Level topline gd set on of stern, carried well. Nicely rounded thighs & stifles giving a gd gaiting action; 2 Findlay’s Rhiconich Cleopatra. Striking blk tri. A v pretty feminine head, lovely eye & leathers. Slightly longer than 1 but with gd body shape & substance to front legs & hindquarters. Moved well; 3 Lee’s Nictoney Solitaire By Janlees.
LB (15). 1 Hall’s Cliffmeze Aimable. T/w. Sweet & feminine hound with quality. Soft appealing expression. Lovely neck into well made front assembly, gd balance to body with level top line & gd underline. Nicely made hindquarters & stifles, giving a gd profile image. Free mover with long stride & drive behind. RCC; 2 Jone’s Kyledam Azalea Buttercup JW. T/w. Close up to 1 & could change places another day. Dark pigment to nose & brown around eye, giving a gentle melting expression. Well made body with gd thighs & firm low hocks. Moved freely; 3 Goldberg, Walker & the late Nicholson’s Sabinhay Phantasy.
OB (9). 1 Calikes & Bradley’s Ch Newlin Osprey JW. Tri. Fits the breed standard so accurately. Well shaped head with rounded muzzle & gd flews. Mild appealing expression, with nice low set on of leathers. Strong neck with crest, running smoothly into level topline. Excellent forequarters with gd lay back of shoulder & correct upper arm. In smaller mould but balanced body, ribbed well back. Well made muscular thighs, rear angulation & second thigh. A picture to watch her driving round the ring with true parallel action. CC & RBIS; 2 Davies’s Ch Seevad High Fashion ShCM. Tri. Another quality hound from this kennel. Beautiful head with gd muzzle, outstanding in reach of neck & crest. Going into first class front assembly with gd shoulder lay back & length of upper arm. Gd sternum with legs tucked well under body. Slightly finer bone & longer cast than 1, but still with gd substance & muscle. V proud stance. Firm hindquarters giving her sound movement with gd extension; 3 Jones Kyledam Abelia Betony JW, ShCM.
SBB (7). 1 Hariison & Oxley’s K T W Chaostheory; 2 Clacher’s M Querida; 3 Clark’s N Nectarine At Geclanjo.
Hazel Allen