2013 Championship Show - Judged by Heather Jones (Sligrachan)
Reserve Best In Show
Ch Bayard Make Amends
Best Opposite Sex & Best Veteran In Show
Ch Bayard Grafter
Best Puppy In Show
Dialynne Iconic


Best In Show
Ch Davricard Buttercup

Dog CC
Ch Bayard Grafter
Reserve Dog CC
Redcap Trumpet Major for Summerlily
Best Puppy Dog
Dialynne Iconic
Best Veteran Dog
Ch Bayard Grafter
Minor Puppy Dog (10, 3)
1st: Fullcry Poacher
2nd: Jarrowley Challenger
3rd: Janfrey Osborn
Res: Ardvreck Lennox
VHC: Annavah Gladiator
Puppy Dog (7, 2)
1st: Dialynne Iconic *BPD, BPIS*
2nd: Macall Bushman
3rd: Annavah Amadeus
Res: Dialynne Cinnaman for Rosroden
VHC: Kelseva Willy Wonka
Junior Dog (8, 1)
1st: Bondea Legion
2nd: Macall Bushman
3rd: Rhiconich Rufus
Res: Madika It's All About Me
VHC: Molesend Kaftan
​Novice Dog (5, 3)
1st: Imagewood of Blunderhall
2nd: Kelseva Willy Wonka
Graduate Dog (5)
1st: Redcap Temperance
2nd: Bondlea Legion
3rd: Molesend Kaftan
Res: Madika It's All About Me
VHC: Raimex Gallant
Post Graduate Dog (2, 1)
1st: Madika It's All About Me
Mid Limit Dog (4, 1)
1st: Jarrowley Dashwood
2nd: Koorbrats Watchful
3rd: Kelseva Greatest Day
Limit Dog (5)
1st: Tungri Pioneer
2nd: Annavah Keeper
3rd: Tannahill Black Jack
Res: Gladstyle Rock Solid
VHC: Rhiconich Kyle
Open Dog (7)
1st: Redcap Trumpet Major for Summerlily *RDCC*
2nd: Janfrey Elliott
3rd: Shercroft Flinders JW ShCM
Res: Fallowfield Royal Richard
VHC: Charterwood Envoy
Veteran Dog (4)
1st: Ch Bayard Grafter *DCC, BOS, BVD*
2nd: Ch & Ir Ch Bondlea Fable JW
3rd: Macall Back to Zac ShCM
Res: Jarrowley Cedar

Bitch CC
Ch Davricard Buttercup
Reserve Bitch CC
Ch Bayard Make Amends
Best Puppy Bitch
Dufosee Louisa with Vigor
Best Veteran Bitch
Macall New Sensation ShCM
Minor Puppy Bitch (19, 5)
1st: Dufosee Louisa with Vigor *BPB*
2nd: Dialynne Electra
3rd: Redcap Kelseva Truly Scrumptious
Res: Summerlily Raggy Doll
VHC: Macall Miss Marni
Puppy Bitch (14, 3)
1st: Annavah Alpine
2nd: Charterwood Goldust
3rd: Roddwood Melody
Res: Stormpasture Trump Hand
VHC: Bayard Clementine
Junior Bitch (7, 2)
1st: Ch Davricard Martina
2nd: Dialynne Naevia
3rd: Molesend Kashmir
Res: Gempeni Flower Girl
VHC: Raimex Gossip
Novice Bitch (18, 4)
1st: Clairdale Willowmena
2nd: Summerlily Raggy Doll
3rd: Stormpasture Trump Card Over Detrick
Res: Bayard Summer Time
VHC: Roddwood Melody
Graduate Bitch (11, 3)
1st: Serenaker Sogni D'oro
2nd: Newlin Iona
3rd: Rossut Betony
Res: Rundle Tiramisu
VHC: Molesend Kashmir
Post Graduate Bitch (11, 5)
1st: Serenaker Sogni D'oro
2nd: Clairdale Willowmena
3rd: Hayapark Cowslip
Res: Merrilyn Feelin Groovy
VHC: Harropine Showtime
Mid Limit Bitch (9, 2)
1st: Summerlily Secret Service
2nd: Shercroft Duchess JW
3rd: Newlin Iona
Res: Charterwood Catherine
VHC: Marysangels Misty Rose with Rosroden
Limit Bitch (10, 3)
1st: Annavah Katrina
2nd: Brigam Lace Stockings of Breskar
3rd: Newdawn Sonnet for Redcap
Res: Tannahill Jet Black
VHC: Rhiconich Netherbank Bella Rose
Open Bitch (15, 1)
1st: Ch Davricard Buttercup *BCC, BIS*
2nd: Ch Bayard Make Amends *RBCC*
3rd: Dialynne Letita
Res: Ch Annavah Ginny
VHC: Ardvreck Ismelia
Veteran Bitch (4)
1st: Macall New Sensation ShCM *BVB*
2nd: Sabinhay Fairmaid at Fairleedale
3rd: Orchidvale Angelica of Breskar ShCM
Res: Rocamar Smiles at Madika ShCM

Judge's Critique​
I thoroughly enjoyed my judging of your beagles and overall I believe your bitches are much stronger in type and conformation, but I really did like my puppy dog and would like to see him in 12 months time.
I have not mentioned coats in the critique as all had good coats with undercoats, and none appeared out of condition. Thank you for having me at your show.
MPD 1 Fullcry Poacher. Lovely type, tri colour, good head, good lay of shoulders and well let down chest, good tight feet, straight topline and well set on tail. Good mover both front and in the rear with good turn of stifle and covers the ground well. 2 Jarrowley Challenger. This is also a nice Puppy dog, tan and white, but a little on the immature side and would like to see more muscle tone on him, lovely soft appealing expression with dark eyes with good length of neck, good front assembly and well let down chest and lovely mover both in the front and rear, good turn of stifle.
PD 1 Dialynne Iconic. Excellent type tri colour, Beautiful head, mild appealing expression, well domed shaped head and in perfect balance to rest of the dog, lovely mover both in the front and rear, very young dog 8 months old. Good top line and well set on tail - overall this is my style of beagle with balance of lovely head and body. 2 Mascall Bushman. Nice puppy dog, Little bit longer in the body than my first place winner, good length of neck and lay of shoulders, nice tight cat feet and good depth of chest, level topline and well set on tail with a nice brush , true in movement both in front and rear.
JD 1 Bondlea Legion. Longer in body than I would like see, but great mover in both front and rear with good reach and drive , nice neck into topline in to tail set His head is a little longer in the muzzle than I would like but in balance with the rest of him. 2 Mascall Bushman.
ND 1 Imagewood of Blunderhall. Heavier style type of dog, Too much wrinkle on head in my opinion, not giving the typical expression of a beagle. Longer in body. Good movement in both front and rear. Nice turn of stile and well set on tail. 2 Kelseva Willy Wonka. Lovely type of dog , tan and white. Mild appealing expression, dark eyes, good front and forechest, good length of neck into straight topline and well set on tail. Lovely mover in front and rear.
GD 1 Redcap Temperance. Nice type of male dog, Good dark eye, giving that mild appeal ling expression, good lay of shoulders, and well developed chest, nice tight feed, straight topline into correct set on tail, True mover both in front and rear and covered the ground well. Well balanced dog 2 Bondlea Legion. As detailed earlier in previous class, longer in body than my first place dog.
PGD 1 Madika Its All About Me. Happy boy, would like to see more forechest, longer in body, and short in neck, not giving a balanced appearance. Good feet and well set on tail, good turn of stifle. Higher in hindquarters than forequarters giving a rise to his topline, better in topline when stacked than free stood.
MidLD 1 Jarrowley Dashwood. Very smart Tri colour dog, dark eye and correct shape head, nice length of neck into topline into correct set on of tail, Good depth of chest, and plenty of forechest, nice cat feet, very true mover in both front and rear with good reach and drive, a very smart dog. 2 Koorbrats Watchful. Lovely type of dog, tan and white, very naughty dog and could go further in the show ring with some training. Lovely mild appealing expression, dark eyes, correct front and well let down chest, good topline and set on of tail, would like to see more angulation in stifle, but he did move well in both front and rear and covered the ground well. Nice cat feet.
LD 1 Tungri Pioneer Good shape of head, but would like to see a darker eye, good length of neck and well laid shoulders giving correct forechest, nice cat feet, good turn of stifle and correct set on of tail, Sound mover in both front and rear and good reach and drive. Very smart dog. 2 Annavah Keeper. Good head with nice dark eye. Good depth of forechest, would like to see more length of neck and this was my decision on this dog getting 2nd place. Lovely mover and sound in the front and rear, slightly longer in body. Would like to have more angulation in the stifle. Well set tail and good tight feet.
OD 1 Redcap Trumpet Major for Summerlilly. Well balanced lovely style of dog. Mild appealing expression with his dark eyes and lovely shape head. Good length of neck and correct lay of shoulders giving him correct forechest. Well balanced body and level topline, good turn of stifle and correct tail set. Good cat feet. Lovely mover in front and rear with good reach and drive. I could quite easily take this dog home. 2 Janfrey Elliot. Slightly longer style of dog than first place, but has lovely forechest and good lay of shoulders. Well balanced head with a lovely dark eye. Good reach of neck into straight topline and nice tail set. Well angulated hind quarters with a good turn of stifle. Very true in his movement both front and rear with good reach and drive.
Vet D F1 Ch Bayard Grafter. What a gentleman, lovely style of beagle. Well balanced although larger in profile than I would like, but this dog can move. Mild appealing expression with dark eyes. Well balanced head. Lovely length of neck and good forechest set below his elbows. Beautiful topline and well set on tail. Perfect balance in his hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Very true both coming and going and covers the ground like a young dog. I could quite easily have this dog in my yard as he is my type of beagle. 2 Ch and Ir Ch Bondlea Fable JW. This boy is 12 and a half years old and is very food orientated. Very nice movement in his reach and drive, Little wider in the front movement than my first place. His teeth are not the best, but he is 12 so I forgive this for a Veteran. Lovely straight topline and well set on waggy tail. In good condition for a boy of his age.
Challenge dog 1 Ch Bayard Grafter from the Veteran Class Reserve Challenge Dog: Redcap Trumpet Major for Summerlilly. This was a very close decision between the two of them but I could not go past the movement of my Veteran dog, he out moved the younger dog - I would of loved to have seen him in his younger hay days. Best Puppy Dog 1 Dialynne Iconic
MPB 1 Dufosee Louisa with Vigor. Very promising young Tri bitch, very pleasing colours with white neck showing off her attributes of her length of neck. Well balanced head with lovely dark eyes. Good depth of chest and front assembly. Lovely tight cat feet. Well balanced body with straight topline. Good set on of tail and carried well. Very true both coming and going with good reach and drive. 2 Dialynne Electra. Stunning head with dark eyes giving her the mild appealing expression wanted for a beagle, very feminine. A little bit naughty but she is young, so this is the reason she got second, as she is a lovely type of bitch. Good length of neck, Lovely forechest for a young bitch. Good round feet, Level topline and well set on tail and carried well. Lovely movement both in front and rear with excellent reach and drive.
PB 1 Annavah Alpine. Slightly longer in body than I would like, but nice type overall. Good dark eye on a well balanced head, a little too much yowl in her neck. Good forechest and lovely movement both in front and rear. Good feet and lovely straight topline and well set on tail. Well angulated hindquarters. 2 Charterwood Goldust. Tan and White bitch. Lovely head with pleasing expression. I would like to see more forechest on this bitch and a longer neck. Beautiful mover in front and rear. Good straight topline. Tail set on low but carried well. Well angulated hindquarters. Good round tight feet.
JB 1 Ch Davicard Martina. Beautiful type of tri colour bitch, well balanced head, lovely expression, good depth of forechest. Nice round feet. Good length of neck into level topline and well set on tail and carried correctly. Lovely mover both in front and rear and she covers the ground well. Lovely type of beagle bitch. 2 Dialynne Naevia. Tan and white. Well balanced bitch and I could take this girl home. She received a second place in this class as she was naughty. Lovely soft expression with dark eyes. Good round bone. Good round cat feet. Nice length of neck into level topline and well set on tail with good brush. Lovely mover and covers the ground well.
NB 1 Clairdale Willomena Tri coloured. Very pleasing expression, I would like to see more forechest on this bitch and a little more length of neck. Lovely turn of stifle and great reach and drive. Level topline and correct tail carriage. 2 Summerlily Raggy Doll. Very pleasing expression on this girl with lots of white on her face. Good depth of forechest and well ribbed back. Level topline into correct tail set. Good turn of stifle and correct feet. For me a little long in body. Moved well both in front and rear and covered the ground well.
GB 1 Serenaker Sogni D'oro. Beautiful balanced head with lovely expression. Good length of neck and correct topline, would like to see a little more turn of stifle, to give her drive in her rear end. True movement in front and correct movement in rear when going away. Lovely brush on her tail. In my opinion I would like to see her with a slightly shorter body and tighter feet. 2 Newlin Iona. Lovely well balanced head with dark eyes. I would like to see more forechest on this bitch. Correct Length of neck in to level topline and correct tail set and carried well. Good Movement both in front and rear with good reach and drive. Good turn of stifle. Very naughty girl and not easy to see the best in this bitch.
PGB 1 Serenaker Sogni D'oro 2 Clairdale Willomena
MidLB 1 Summerlily Secret Service. Tan and white bitch and slightly longer in body than I would like but covers the ground well. Lovely domed head with soft expression and dark eyes. Good length of neck into level topline and well set on tail with lovely brush. Very true in her movement in front and rear. Lovely tight feet. 2 Shercroft Duchess JW. Lighter Tri coloured bitch (nearly tan/white) Lovely soft expression and dark eyes. Good forequarters. Her white on her neck shows off her attributes of its length. Good depth of chest. Level topline and lovely turn of stifle
LB 1 Annava Katrina. Overall a nice type, I would like to see her with a bigger eye and more length of neck. Good forechest. Level topline and lovely turn of stifle giving her the correct reach and drive. 2 Brigam Lace Stockings of Breskar Tan and white bitch. The reason this girl received a second was she was very naughty on the move. Lovely type of beagle, Soft mild appealing expression and great length of neck into topline into correct tail set. Good movement in front and rear but going around the ring she did not show at her best.
OB 1 Ch Davricard Buttercup. What a lovely bitch, I could take her home in a heart beat, Tan and white. Her dark eyes give her the correct mild appealing expression and very feminine at the same time. Good depth of chest and correct forequarters. Well balanced body and lovely turn of stifle Good round cat feet. Correct set on of tail and carried well. Lovely mover and covers the ground extremely well. 2 Ch Bayard Make Amends JW. Also another outstanding type of bitch. Older girl and going grey in her muzzle. Tri colour. Lovely dark eye, good length of neck into level topline. Correct turn of stifle. Very true in her front and rear movement and lovely reach and drive. I would of liked to have seen her a few years ago. Lovely type.
Vet B 1 Macall New Sensation ShCM. Nice type of bitch, For me a little loose in her front but covers the ground extremely well and loves to show. Very pleasing head with lovely dark eye. Good length of neck into level Topline. She moves around the ring like a dream. Well set on tail 2 Sabinhay Fairmaid at Fairleedale. For a 12 year old bitch, she is naughty! Lighter tri colour girl. Well balanced bitch. Very pleasing head and length of neck. Level topline and well set on tail. Good forequarters giving her correct reach and drive. I would like to see a little more turn of stifle. Covers the ground well.
Challenge Bitch Ch Davricard Buttercup Reserve Challenge Bitch Ch Bayard Make Amends JW. This was an honour to watch these two classy ladies move around the ring. Ch Davricard Buttercup went on to win Best In Show Runner up on show also went to my bitch Ch Bayard Make Amends JW Best Puppy Bitch: 129 Dufosee Louisa with Vigor.
BIS Ch Davricard Buttercup, Runner up in Show Ch Bayard Make Amends JW, Best Opposite Sex Ch Bayard Grafter and Best Puppy in Show Dialynne Iconic
Heather Jones