2024 Open Show - Judged by Nicola Scarlett (Michelroy)
This show was kindly sponsored by Lawson Animal Feeds
Best In Show
Dufosee Julianna avec Annavah
Reserve Best In Show &
Best Veteran In Show
Ch. Annavah Knick Knack
Best Opposite Sex
Fallowfield Fellman
Best Puppy In Show
Forgebanks Shantung
With thanks to our show sponsors Lawson Animal Feeds
With thanks to our friend Marina Walker for her continued support, sponsorship and for providing prizes
Best Dog
Fallowfield Fellman
Reserve Best Dog
Clairdale Fusilier
Best Puppy Dog
Annavah Justify
Best Veteran Dog
Ch. Shercroft Apollo JW Sh.CM
Best Bitch
Dufosee Julianna avec Annavah
Reserve Best Bitch &
Best Veteran Bitch
Ch. Annavah Knick Knack
Best Puppy Bitch
Forgebanks Shantung
Main Judging Photos and Videos from the day
Dog judging | Bitch judging |
Best Dog
Fallowfield Fellman
Reserve Best Dog
Clairdale Fusilier
Best Puppy Dog
Annavah Justify
Best Veteran Dog
Ch. Shercroft Apollo JW Sh.CM
Minor Puppy Dog (2, 0)
1st - Annavah Justify
2nd - Tannahill Ezra
Puppy Dog (2, 0)
1st - Fallowfield Romeo
2nd - Forgebanks Santiano
Junior Dog (1)
1st: Bondlea Woodlark
Yearling Dog (1, 1)
Novice Dog (3, 1)
1st: Molesend Emblazoned
2nd: Fallowfield Flyn
Graduate Dog (1)
1st: Bondlea Woodlark
Post Graduate Dog (2, 1)
1st: Fallowfield Vincent
Limit Dog (1)
1st: Molesend Verdict at Roddwood
Open Dog (2, 1)
1st: Aznavour Do Casal Da Vinha in Fallowfield
Veteran Dog (2, 1)
1st: Ch Shercroft Apollo JW ShCM *BD, BVD, RBIS, BOS, BVIS*
Best Bitch
Annavah Lady Gaga
Reserve Best Bitch
Butterow Skylark
Best Puppy Bitch
Molesend Dormouse
Best Veteran Bitch
Madika Spot On JW ShCM AW(G)
Minor Puppy Bitch (2)
1st: Molesend Freesia
2nd: Dughallmor Kiss The Bride
Puppy Bitch (5)
1st: Annavah Princess Tiana
2nd: Tannahill Rainbow Chilli
3rd: Rhiconich Juliana
Res: Dufosee Iyla at Bondlea
VHC: Molesend Elegant
Junior Bitch (4, 1)
1st: Davricard Marcia (AI)
2nd: Butterow Token
3rd: Teaseltop Easters Blossom
Yearling Bitch (5, 1)
1st: Molesend Crumble (AI)
2nd: Molesend Will 'O Wisp
3rd: Butterow Token
Res: Teaseltop Easters Blossom
Novice Bitch (5, 1)
1st: Molesend Dormouse *BPB, BPIS*
2nd: Dufosee Iyla at Bondlea
3rd: Jarrowley Daisywood
Res: Teaseltop Easters Blossom
Apologies - no photo of 2nd was taken on the day.
Owner may submit a photo to be used if they wish.
Graduate Bitch (1)
1st: Serenaker Miss Marple
Post Graduate Bitch (3)
1st: Butterow Skylark *RBB*
2nd: Molesend Will 'O Wisp
3rd: Forgebanks Roksana
Limit Bitch (6, 2)
1st: Bethnor Iona
2nd: Fallowfield Fern
3rd: Forgebanks Raindrop
Res: Stormpasture Musette at Springholme
Open Bitch (5, 2)
1st: Annavah Lady Gaga *BB, BIS*
2nd: Bondlea Lucy JW
3rd: Butterow Rumba
Veteran Bitch (5, 2)
1st: Madika Spot On JW ShCM AW(G) *BVB, RBVIS*
2nd: Shercroft Duchess JW ShCM
3rd: Davricard Heather at Springholme
Judge's Critique​
I would like to start with a thank you for the exhibitors that entered this show, it was a pleasure to judge your hounds. The committee as always were the best of hosts, my stewards were helpful and I enjoyed the day!
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Class 1 – Minor Puppy Dog (3, 1abs)
1st Binks’ Tannahill Vagabond – 8m, tri, Good male expression with good pigment. Straight topline with thick, well set straight tail. Slightly wide in front today but rear movement was clean.
2nd Goldbergs’ Molesend Emblazoned – 6m, tan and white. Very much a baby with long well-set leathers and soft expression. Would prefer more width of muzzle. Good flews and good length of neck. Well proportioned all round with scopey movement.
Class 2 – Puppy Dog (2)
1st Findlays’ Rhiconich Obconica – Tri colour, played his handler up today but without a doubt a stand out hound. Mature head, broad in muzzle and stop with the darkest of pigment. Workman like – true movement with good muscle tone developing. Strong round bone with neat feet, he has a good depth of brisket with good spring of rib. Lovely flow from neck, topline to good tail set with strong, straight tail to finish the picture. RBD, BPD
2nd Harvards’ Dufosee Isaac – Dark blanket tri colour, different type to first. Melting expression with the softest eyes. Good pigment and head planes, lovely low set ears into a good topline, straight tail. Compact with good length of loin and let down hocks. Front could be neater but will watch with interest.
3rd Binks’ Tannahill Ghost Pepper
Class 3 – Junior Dog
1st Hunt + Fords’ Bondlea Woodlark – 16 month old rich tri colour. Long, low set leathers with dark, strong pigment. Heavy made hound with good forechest and well is ribbed back. Round bone into neat feet. Well carried topline and well conditioned.
Class 4 – Yearling Dog (1,1abs)
Class 5 – Novice Dog (3, 1abs)
1st Molesend Emblazoned – 2nd MPD
2nd Lewis’ Fallowfield Flyn – Smart blanket tri. Well-conditioned with good muscle tone and in good coat. Upright shoulder and wide front when coming towards, however good rear movement with lots of drive. Didn’t feel he performed his best today as seemed unsettled on the move.
Class 6 – Graduate Dog (1)
1st Hunt + Fords’ Bondlea Woodlark – 1st JD
Class 7 – Post Graduate Dog (2, 1abs)
1st Lewis’ Fallowfield Vincent – Strong headed blanket tri colour, with good pigment. Just the right length of leg with strong, round bone into neat feet. Good depth of brisket and length of rib. Good flow from neck into topline.
Class 8 – Limit Dog (1)
1st Woodcock’s Molesend Verdict At Roddwood – free showing tan and white, 3yrs. Melting, soft expression with good head planes. Has neat feet with a good spring and length of rib. Good fore and aft movement. Good level topline and tail. Carrying slightly too much weight spoiling the balance slightly.
Class 9 – Open Dog (2, 1abs)
1st Lewis’ Aznavour Do Casal Da Vinha In Fallowfield - Head strong blanket male. Dark eyes with domed skull, would prefer softer expression. Good length of neck into strong, level topline with good tailset. Can see the same traits as son entered in class 5. Strong mover with drive from well bent stifles and good length of leg, but shoulder slightly upright with short upper arm.
Class 10 – Veteran Dog (2, 1abs)
1st Hunt + Norris’ CH Shercroft Apollo JW ShCM – Stood alone but worthy winner. Very masculine head with the softest, appealing expression, good pigment and dark eyes. Well set, long leathers into his long, arched neck. Well laid back shoulder, good round bone and neat feet. Good forechest with a lovely spring of rib, short loin with a well set, straight tail to finish the picture. Easy, free striding side gait with good fore and aft movement also, no doubt the best dog I got my hands on all day, aging well. BD, BVD, RBIS, BOS, BVIS
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Class 11 – Minor Puppy Bitch (2)
1st Goldbergs’ Molesend Freesia – 6m rich blanket tri colour. The sweetest of puppies! Melting, soft expression with strong dark pigment and the longest of leathers. Plenty of bone with the neatest of feet. Lovely length of neck into a level topline and straight tail. Easy free movement fore and aft with lots of character and an open side gait. Moderate in every area.
2nd Stewarts’ Dughallmor Kiss The Bride – Dainty open marked tri colour. Mischievous expression with delicate compact outline. Fine bone with neat feet. Lots of maturing to do.
Class 12 – Puppy Bitch (5)
1st Harvards’ Annavah Princess Tiana – Rich blanket tri. Melting expression with the prettiest of eyes, dark pigment, well set leathers. Round bone into neat feet. Good layback of shoulder and forechest. Good body proportions. All feminine with gentle, open side gait, taking everything in her stride.
2nd Binks’ Tannahill Rainbow Chilli – Blanket tri- Good pigment and pretty expression, slightly narrow in muzzle. Ample forechest with good upper arm, overall compact outline with good length of rib and short loin. When settled has good fore and aft movement.
3rd Findlays’ Rhiconich Juliana
Class 13 – Junior Bitch (4, 1abs)
1st Craigs’ Davricard Marcia (AI) – Open, rich tri colour. Pretty expression with the best of head planes. The best of toplines and tail sets with good straight tail. Well laid back shoulder, round bone into neat feet. Good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Beautiful, open side gait.
2nd Lennards’ Butterow Token- Blanket Tri colour – Pretty headed, free showing hound with good muscle tone. Tailset slightly too high spoiling her outline in my opinion. Good length and spring of rib.
3rd Flores Teaseltop Easters Blossom
Class 14 – Yearling Bitch (5, 1abs)
1st Goldbergs’ Molesend Crumble (AI) – Rich tan + white. Good pigment, low, long leathers, good length of neck, level topline, good tail set and straight tail. Good forechest, well laid back shoulder, neat feet. Well bent stifles giving good movement fore and after. Beautiful clean outline
2nd Macdougalls’ Molesend Will ‘O Wisp – Tan mottle – With no doubt all female. Soft expression, strong pigment with well set leathers. Good length of neck. Well bent stifles with good side gait. Well handled to get the most from this hound.
3rd Lennards Butterow Token – 2nd JB
Class 15 – Novice Bitch (5, 1abs)
1st Goldbergs’ Molesend Dormouse – Tan + White- Just my type of hound! Beautiful 7m old baby with the gentlest expression, long, low set leathers into a good length of neck, into level topline, perfect tail set with thick straight tail. Short, neat hocks moving free and straight. My hands flowed over this little hound with ease. Clean fore and aft movement. BPB, BPIS
2nd Hunts Dufosee Iyla At Bondlea – Rich blanket tri colour – Pretty expression with the best pigment and darkest of eyes. Worked well for her handler, free shown, good movement fore and aft with good open side gait. Good body proportions. Unlucky to meet 1st.
3rd Timmins’ Jarrowley Daisywood
Class 16 – Graduate Bitch (1)
1st Findlays’ Serenaker Miss Marple – faded blanket tri – Timid with reluctance to put her tail up with the surrounding noises and hustle and bustle of the show. Longer set female but clean, neat outline. Moved better in the challenge. Good muscle condition.
Class 17 – Post Graduate Bitch (3)
1st Lennards’ Butterow Skylark – Tan mottle – of larger build, well muscled. Strong headed, with good pigment. She has the best of neck into topline and tail. Open – easy movement. Strong bone. Caught my eye several times. Good forechest with good laidback shoulder. Well ribbed. Made her handler work hard! RBB
2nd Macdougalls’ Molesend Will ‘O Wisp – 2nd YB
3rd Banks Forgebanks Roksana
Class 18 – Limit Bitch (6, 2abs)
1st Alexander – Bethnor Iona – open tri colour. Pretty expression, good head planes. Solid and compact outline. Good muscle tone. Front was neat, best in the class and she is well-constructed. Well bent stifles with clean fore and aft movement. Be more confident! She is a lovely little hound.
2nd Lewis’ Fallowfield Fern – Rich tan + white – Soft expression with good pigment and dark eyes. Feminine head planes with good ear set. Long arched neck. Wide shoulder, untidy in front today, but good side gait. Straight tail, well set.
3rd Banks’ Forgebanks Raindrop
Class 19 – Open Bitch (5, 2abs)
1st Harvards’ Annavah Lady Gaga – Rich tri – Flashy bitch who I have always admired and she didn’t disappoint today. Strong but feminine head, prettiest of expressions with dark pigment. Outline was compact and neat without a hair out of place. Good bone. Well ribbed with spring of rib. Well bent stifles. Couldn’t take my eye off her on the move. Topline held on the move with easy movement showing reach and drive, not a paw out of place. BB, BIS
2nd Hunts’ Bondlea Lucy JW – Open tri – Handled gently and made her handler work hard! Prettiest of markings on her well-shaped head and low set leathers. Compact in body with good length of rib. Well bent stifles. Level topline into well set tail. Moved leisurely with good side gait.
3rd Lennards’ Butterow Rumba
Class 20 – Veteran Bitch (3, 2abs)
1st Ardens’ Madika Spot On JW ShCM AW(G) – young 7yr old open tri colour. Dark pigment with dark eyes. Lovely side head profile with good leathers. Well arched neck into a good level topline and good tail set with straight well carried tail. Good depth of brisket and long ribcage into short loin. Well bent stifles. Moved with drive. BVB
2nd Hunt + Norris’ Shercroft Duchess JW ShCM – Faded blanket tri – Showing her age today, the most feminine of heads ive always adored. Well arched neck into solid topline and straight tail. Neat feet, well ribbed and short loin with good body proportions. Moved with open side gait.
3rd Clarks’ Davricard Heather At Springholme
Judge - Robyn Mead (Rosroden)